
Ignite Program Eligibility Criteria


At Cloud Matrix, we understand the challenges faced by new businesses in today's competitive market. To support and empower these businesses, we have launched the Ignite Program - a unique initiative that offers complementary web design and digital marketing services to eligible startups. However, to ensure that the program is utilized for its intended purpose and that we are supporting the right businesses, we have set the following eligibility criteria:

  • The business must be registered in Canada within the past 12 months.
  • The business should have a monthly net revenue between $10,000 and $70,000.
  • The business should not have a website or be receiving services from another digital marketing company.
  • The business must have a physical office or location in Canada.
  • The business should have less than 10 employees.
  • If the business has received funding from Angel Investors like Crunchbase, the funding amount should not exceed $200,000.
  • The business owners' personal yearly income should be between $80,000 and $300,000 on their previous year T4. Exceptions to this requirement will be made for startups that have emerged from colleges and universities, as well as research projects.

To ensure that the program is used appropriately and not misused, we have set the following additional requirements:

  • Each eligible business can receive services from the Ignite Program only once.
  • The business must sign a contract agreeing to use the services only for their intended purpose and not for any fraudulent or illegal activities.
  • Any misrepresentation or falsification of information during the application process will result in immediate termination from the program.
  • Cloud Matrix reserves the right to terminate any business's participation in the program at any time for any reason.
  • Program Status: Active
  • Total Seats : 200
  • Application End Date : 01 November 2023

Have Questions?
Feel free to contact us

+1 (587) 200 4699
21 Saddlestone Green NE
Calgary AB, T3J2C8